Why yet another Java validation framework?

This project started as an attemp to explore internal domain specific languages in Java, after reading the paper Evolving an Embedded Domain-Specific Language in Java, by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce (OOPSLA 2006).

The project's goal is to provide a simple, pure Java, validator with an API that is easy to read, easy to program and feels like a special purpose validation language.


How do I use the validation DSL?

Use the BeanValidator and import all the static methods from the Validators class.

          import static com.tzavellas.validation.Validators.*;
          import com.tzavellas.validation.BeanValidator;
          BeanValidator validator = new BeanValidator(


Are BeanValidator instances thread-safe?

Yes, multiple threads can access concurrently the same BeanValidator instance.


Can I use this library with the Spring Framework and Spring-MVC?


See the SpringValidator's documentation for more details.
