
What is the Dynamic Delegate?

Dynamic Delegate is a small library that allows you to create implementations of the Business Delegate design pattern on the fly.


How does it work?

It works using Java Reflection and more specifically using Dynamic Proxies


What is a Business Delegate?

You can read about the Business Delegate J2EE design pattern at the Sun's Blueprints web site.


Do I have to write my EJBs in a specific way in order to use Dynamic Delegate?

In order to use this library, your EJBs must implement the Business Interface EJB design pattern.

See the example for more information.


How can I customize Dynamic Delegate?

DynamicDelegateFactory has two strategy interfaces. The first is the ThrowableConverter that handles the conversion of the exceptions thrown from the EJB and the second is the EJBHomeFactory that retrieves the EJB homes from the JNDI.

Feel free to provide your own implementations of the above interfaces, to make Dynamic Delegate better integrate with your environment.


Installation and Compatibility

How do I install Dynamic Delegate?

Dynamic Delegate is a library, just put the distribution jar in your classpath.


Which versions of the JDK can I use with Dynamic Delegate?

Dynamic Delegate is compiled with -source 1.4 and -target 1.4, so I assume that it is compatible with JDK 1.4. I have only tested Dynamic Delegate in JDK 5.


Is Dynamic Delegate portable across all application servers?

Dynamic Delegate should work with all application servers. I have only tested it with JBoss 4 and Sun's SJAS 8.1.

If you have used it with a different application server please let me know.
