Oracle Toplink is now open source

Oracle has released the Toplink O/R mapping framework as open source. They proposed a new persistence project, named Eclipse Persistence Platform (or EclipseLink for short), at the Eclipse Foundation and they are donating the Toplink source code to start the project. The EclipseLink will be a runtime project offering only libraries and no IDE tooling. […]

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The 4th JHUG tech day

On Saturday the 10th of March the 4th JHUG tech day took place. Dionysios and Paris have written excellent coverages of the event so I won’t write any details about it. This was our best event so far and I am very happy that our JUG has sustainably organized events with great success. It is […]

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The RPC refactorings in GWT 1.4

In the upcoming 1.4 release of Google Web Toolkit, finally all the serialization logic has been removed from the RemoteServiceServlet. The serialization code now resides into a new class named RPC. This is a small but important change that will allow developers to easily integrate GWT with other server-side frameworks. I am sure that a […]

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